Start Your New Year With Time Limits
Embracing Time Limits for 2024 Goals
When it comes time to get things done in 2024, I want to start challenging myself to time limits.
Conquering Garage Clutter
I’ve had this pile of stuff in my garage since we put up the Christmas decorations. Basically we only used about half of our decorations and the rest sat in my parking spot through December. Since there was already a pile there, it became a great spot to store other stuff over the last month or so.
The Power of Setting Goals and Time Limits
I challenged myself to start the 2024 with a car parked in the garage and to do it in 30 minutes. While it ended up taking 35, it still went faster than I thought before I set that goal! Time limits can boost focus and productivity. When you know you only have a set amount of time to complete a task, you're more likely to stay on track and avoid distractions. This is particularly effective in today’s world, where countless distractions vie for our attention. With a timer ticking, you’re more inclined to stay focused on the task at hand.
Customer Needs: Cleaning and Organizing Insights
We’re evaluating what services our customers need. It seems like routing, cleaning and organizing is a big one. For more information on how HunnyDone can help you, take a look at our blog about What to Do if Your Contractor Falls Short.